
Showing posts from December 23, 2012

The Secrets that Kill (or Make You Want to)...

Relationships--much like dairy products and produce--can go bad when you least expect it (and in really unpleasant ways). Unlike the half-empty carton of lumpy milk you lost interest in or the mushy head of lettuce you just plain forgot, though, soured relationships are a whole lot messier to deal with. There are things almost impossible to forgive, forget, or get past--betrayals, secret lives, abuse, infidelities, criminal acts, major differences about the most fundamental of concepts--any one of which can make the thought of continuing a relationship untenable. But, when all of those things are present--as they are in Merry Jones’ upcoming thriller, The Trouble with Charlie --well, that’s when things can go from bad to worst in a hurry. ❖  ❖  ❖  ❖  ❖  ❖ After some of the stuff he pulled during the ten years they were together, Elle knows she should be glad to be rid of her almost-ex husband, Charlie. There were the lies ( so many lies), t...