
Showing posts from January 8, 2022

Everyone Has Secrets... (Reviewing Netflix's spin on Harlan Coben's STAY CLOSE)

Everyone—and I mean, everyone —has secrets. [Yes, plural . I’d be willing to wager Mother Theresa had more than one thing she desperately wanted to keep on the downlow, and she was Mother-Frickin’-Theresa.] Those hidden things may or may not seem like big deals to you or me—were we somehow to find ourselves privy to them—but that’s never really the point, is it? The secrets we choose to keep always have some meaning, for us … and presumably, good reason for our going to the trouble of making sure they remain for-our-eyes-only. In Stay Close —Harlan Coben’s latest suspense-novel-to-Netflix-miniseries—there are plenty of secrets lying around… just waiting to be uncovered. Dug up. Exposed to the bright light of day. (And, basically, primed and ready to turn a whole lot of people’s lives into a right mucky mess.) _______________ Looking at it from the outside, chances are good you’d think that Megan Pierce is living a pretty sweet life. She has three healthy, well-adjusted kids (ra...