
Showing posts from February 5, 2018

Cloverfield is One Paradox We Can All Live Without... ("Movie Monday")

"Movie Monday"... In a   surprising (and pretty damn bold) move, someone, somewhere made the decision to forego the upcoming April theatrical release of the third film in the " Cloverfield " family, bumping it to air immediately after 2018's Super Bowl (Feb 4, if American football isn't your thing)... on Netflix.  Say what? A Cloverfield anything, getting the "Do-Not-Pass-Go-or-Stop-Anywhere (meaning those High-Dollar-Houses-o'-Films)-but-Go-Straight-to-Streaming" treatment? Yup. That. It'll be plenty interesting to follow the fallout from this decision, and to see whether or not this gamble pays off in a big way. In the meantime, though, what about "The Cloverfield Paradox" ...   since we did, after all, get it a full two-plus months early? Eh, that's a tricky one. There's plenty to like about "Paradox" , to be sure. It's shiny and pretty and has some nifty effects. The cast is, mostly, interes...