
Showing posts from April 27, 2017

(Fewer Than 13 Reasons) Why "13 Reasons Why" is Important

Although I finished watching Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” more than two weeks ago, it’s taken me a little while to corral my thoughts. (Granted, I’ve been busy, but attributing the length of time to only that would be disingenuous; this was one of those series which struck a chord or three.) Initially,  I purposefully bypassed “13”—not because I knew what the subject matter was (which I did), but because of an assumption that it was probably just another in a string of annoying, modern-teenagers-acting-out pieces (which, at my age, I’m SO OVER). I’m really glad I was wrong. And, I’m glad that curiosity finally led me to push the “play” button on my remote one night, while searching for something to watch as I worked out. For anyone who doesn’t know—and this is not a spoiler—“13” is about the suicide of a 17-year-old girl (“Hannah”)… all the events which inexorably led to her last and (very) final act, the parts that other people played (and, interestingly, how they were view...