Witty Rom-Com Gives Heart Eyes and... Feathers! (Birding with Benefits book review)
You know the saying “there’s nothing new under the sun”? Nobody really want to believe it’s true... even though, deep down, most of us know that it is . We’ve all rolled our eyes about books, shows, and movies, for the “ been there, read/seen/heard that before ” scenario. A movie about cop partners? Cue every cop-buddy-trope comparison out there. A show about a charismatic serial killer? Someone’s gonna make references to lotion, baskets, and fava. The toughest of them all, though? Rom-coms... where tropes positively thrive . Enemies-to-lovers. Opposites attracting. Someone needs rescuing. Pretend relationships. Friends-to-lovers. Forced spending time together. False or mistaken identity. Rich person falls for poor person. (Et cetera, etc.) But here’s the thing... Just because you’ve seen a thing done before... doesn’t mean someone else can’t come along and put a whole new spin on it. Sometimes...