Grrrr... (Father's Day Placeholder)

Due to unforeseen circumstances-- a forgetful mother? (well, perhaps that shouldn't come as such a surprise)... the vagaries of the postal system? (a likely suspect, given the "quality" of mail service out in the boonies, where my mom lives)... bad luck (well, obviously, right?)-- the Father's Day post I've had planned all week will now be delayed (until such time as I receive the photographic accompaniment without which said post just wouldn't be complete).

So, anyhoo, the best-laid plans (and all that jazz)... [grrrrrrr...]

Until then, how about my boycat with his daddy?

(first meeting, at the breeder's)

                                               (2010, just bein' silly on Daddy's lap)  


  1. Well, we for one are purrfectly satisfied!

  2. I think these photos are FANTASTIC!!!


  3. Thank you, Caren!! :))

    (Although now I'm starting to get worried that no one will like the "real" Father's Day post, lol!)


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